Price range



Passion Arrangement

Passion Arrangement

€ 90.00

Description: Arrangement in a heart shape box with 18/20 roses and other flowers or greenery Note: The box incluiding. Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 90.00
Equador Bouquet

Equador Bouquet

€ 60.00

Description: Bouquet with roses, limonium, chrysantemum margarida, alstroemeria, dried flowers and wrapping Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.

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€ 60.00
Oura Bouquet

Oura Bouquet

€ 55.00

Descrition: Mixed Bouquet with roses, leucadendrum, aspidistra, and paper drap Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 55.00
Lisbon Arrangement

Lisbon Arrangement

€ 90.00

Description:  Arrangement with Roses, lilium, lisianthus, panicum fontaine and basket. Note: Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented are

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€ 90.00
Love 17 Bouquet

Love 17 Bouquet

€ 65.00

Description: Bouquet with 17 roses, beagrass, phoenix roebelini, wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 65.00
Love Bouquet

Love Bouquet

€ 12.50

Description: Mixed Bouquet with 1 rose, aspidistra, beagrass/ or others and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 12.50
35 Loves Bouquet

35 Loves Bouquet

€ 95.00

Description: Bouquet with 35 roses, beargrass, aspidistra, and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented

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€ 95.00
Amanda Box

Amanda Box

€ 85.00

Decription: arregament in heart Box with lid with Roses, lisianthus and hypericum . Note: The box incluiding. Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.Photo presented

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€ 85.00
30 Loves Bouquet

30 Loves Bouquet

€ 95.00

Description: Bouquet with 33 roses, beargrass, aspidistra and wrapping.  Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented

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€ 95.00
Japan Box

Japan Box

€ 50.00

Decription: Flowers arregement in round Box with lid. Note: The box incluiding. Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented are for illustrative

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€ 50.00
Love 9 Bouquet

Love 9 Bouquet

€ 35.99

Description: Bouquet with 9 roses, hypericum, ruscus, parvipholia eucalytus, baby blu eucalytus, dry flowers, phlebodium leaf and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the

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€ 35.99
Castelo Branco Bouquet

Castelo Branco Bouquet

€ 50.00

Description: Mixed Bouquet with roses, phlebodium, statice, leucadendron, wax flower and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock  and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced

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€ 50.00
Argentina Bouquet

Argentina Bouquet

€ 85.00

Descrição: Mix Bouquet with roses, hypericum, beargrass, roebelline and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.

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€ 85.00
Milan Bouquet

Milan Bouquet

€ 150.00

Description: Bouquet with roses, gypsofila, phoenix roebeleni and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 150.00
Estocolmo Box

Estocolmo Box

€ 45.00

Description: Arrangement with box / basket, 7 Roses, green tick, protea, aspidistra, greenery and decorative stick. Note: The box incluiding. The flowers and the box may vary due to lack stock in store being able to be replaced by similar ones.

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€ 45.00
7 Loves Bouquet

7 Loves Bouquet

€ 30.00

Description: Front Bouquet with 7 roses, beargrass, aspidistra, birch short (sticks) and wrapping. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock in store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Pictures

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€ 30.00
Açores Bouquet

Açores Bouquet

€ 55.00

Description: Mixed Bouquet with tulips, freesia, tulips, leucadendron, treefern and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.

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€ 55.00
Love 12  Bouquet

Love 12 Bouquet

€ 45.99

Description: Mixed Bouquet with 12 roses, hipericum/leocadendrum, dry flowers, phoenix roebellini and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.

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€ 45.99
Love 5 Bouquet

Love 5 Bouquet

€ 23.99

Description: Bouquet with 5 roses, aspidistra, leucadendrum, hyperucum, beagrass, phoenix roebellini and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced

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€ 23.99
Quinta do Lago Box

Quinta do Lago Box

€ 200.00

Descrition: Arrangement in box with roses, Gypsophila, hypericum and heart stick  Note: The box incluiding. Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.Photo presented

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€ 200.00
Rosa petals

Rosa petals

€ 12.50

Description: One bag of rose petals

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€ 12.50
São Paulo Box

São Paulo Box

€ 65.00

Decription: Roses arregement in round Box with lid. Note: The box incluiding. Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.Photo presented are for illustrative purposes only.

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€ 65.00
45 Loves Bouquet

45 Loves Bouquet

€ 130.00

Description: Bouquet with 45 roses with beargrass, roebelini and wrapping paper.  Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 130.00
25 Loves Bouquet

25 Loves Bouquet

€ 95.00

Description:  Bouquet with 25 roses, beargrass, aspidistra,  and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 95.00
40 Loves Bouquet

40 Loves Bouquet

€ 135.99

Description: Bouquet with 40 roses, beargrass, aspidistra, wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented

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€ 135.99
Love 2 Bouquet

Love 2 Bouquet

€ 15.99

Description:  Bouquet with 2 roses, aspidistra, treefern/beagrass/ or others and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.

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€ 15.99
Love 10 Bouquet

Love 10 Bouquet

€ 39.99

Description: Bouquet with 10 roses, aspidistra, treefern/beagrass or others and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.

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€ 39.99
Love 20 Bouquet

Love 20 Bouquet

€ 71.99

Description: Bouquet with 20 roses, beagrass, phoenix roebelini, wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 71.99
Love 14 Bouquet

Love 14 Bouquet

€ 52.99

Description: Bouquet with 14 roses, dry flowers, phlebodium leaf, aralia leaf, wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 52.99
Juliet Arrangement

Juliet Arrangement


€ 40.00

Descrition: Boxed arrangement with roses,  geen tick leucadendrum, eucaliptus, teddy bear stick. Note: Base of the arrangement may be replaced due to the lack of stock in store.  Pictures presented are for illustrative proposes only.    

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€ 40.00
Love 3 Bouquet

Love 3 Bouquet

€ 17.99

Description: Bouquet with 3 roses, aspidistra, treefern/beagrass/ or others and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.

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€ 17.99
Love Arrangement

Love Arrangement

€ 50.00

Descrition: Arrangement in box with roses, Gypsophila, hypericum and heart stick  Note: The flowers and the box may vary due to lack stock in store being able to be replaced by similar ones.

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€ 50.00
Faro 18 Bouquet

Faro 18 Bouquet

€ 67.99

Description: Bouquet with 18 roses, beagrass, phoenix roebelini, wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented

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€ 67.99
Love 4 Bouquet

Love 4 Bouquet

€ 20.99

Description: Bouquet with 4 roses, aspidistra, gypsofila, beagrass amd wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 20.99
Amoremio Box

Amoremio Box

€ 90.00

Description: Arrangement in square box with roses, chocolates, eucalyptus and other accessories with lid. Note: The box incluiding. Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.Photo

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€ 90.00
Filomena Box

Filomena Box

€ 85.00

Description: Arrangement in a round box with roses and other flowers or greenery Note:  Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.Photo presented are for illustrative

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€ 85.00
Sweet Bouquet

Sweet Bouquet

€ 95.00

Decription: Bouquet with roses, limonium/gpsofila, parvifolia eucalitus, phoenix roebelline, aspidistra and glass container included. Note: Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar

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€ 95.00
Kit Paris

Kit Paris

€ 65.00

Pack - Boxed arrangement with roses, alstroemeria, eustoma, eucaliptus, love and in heart stic. - Sparkling Wine Terras do Demo Rosé Bruto  - 750ml - 12% alc/vol. - serve 8-10ºC - Heart-shaped

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€ 65.00
Panamá Bouquet

Panamá Bouquet

€ 85.00

Description: Bouquet with roses, wax flowers, hypericum, ruskus, phoenix roebeleni and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 85.00
60 Loves Bouquet

60 Loves Bouquet

€ 175.00

Description: Bouquet with 60 roses, beargrass, aspidistra, and wrapping. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented

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€ 175.00
Nazaré Bouquet

Nazaré Bouquet

€ 50.00

Description: Mixed Bouquet with roses, leucadendrum, fresias, aspidistra and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 50.00
Love 8 Bouquet

Love 8 Bouquet

€ 32.99

Description: Bouquet with 8 roses, aspidistra, hypericum and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented

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€ 32.99
Sweet Kit

Sweet Kit

€ 45.00

Pack - Boxed arrangement with 4 roses, leucadendrum, sedum, love and in heart stic.  - Heart-shaped chocolate Box 90gr. Subject to the existing stock replaced by a similar. Note: Box included. Sparkling botle may be replaced by other similar.  Pictures

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€ 45.00
Passion Bouquet  with 50 Roses

Passion Bouquet with 50 Roses

€ 155.00

Descrição: Bouquet with 50 roses, gypsophila/hypericum, Panicum Fontain, roebelline phoenix and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced

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€ 155.00
Tavira Bouquet

Tavira Bouquet

€ 60.00

Description: Bouquet with roses, protea, exotic grenery, aspidistra, and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock in store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented are for illustrative

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€ 60.00
Serra da Estrela Arregement

Serra da Estrela Arregement

€ 90.00

Descrition: Arrangement in the ceramic base/ basket, phalaenopsis, anthirrinium, roses, fresias/lisianthus, Mitsumata (Stick), aspidistra, ruskus, diferent greenerys. Note: Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our

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€ 90.00
Lovr 19 Bouquet

Lovr 19 Bouquet

€ 70.00

Description: Mixed Bouquet with 19 roses, beagrass, phoenix roebelini, wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo

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€ 70.00
Love 7 Bouquet

Love 7 Bouquet

Description: Bouquet with 7 roses, aspidistra, treefern/beagrass/ or others grennery and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar

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Arménia Bouquet

Arménia Bouquet

€ 50.00

Descrição: Bouquet with rosesde diferent color, beargrass, roebelline phoenix and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar

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€ 50.00
Greek Box

Greek Box

€ 55.00

Decription: arregament in heart Box with lid with Roses, lisianthus and hypericum . Note: The box incluiding. Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers. Photo presented

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€ 55.00
Monaco Bouquet

Monaco Bouquet

€ 95.00

Description: Bouquet with 3 diferent colour of roses, aspidistra phoenix roebeleni and wrapping paper.
Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar

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€ 95.00
Love 13 Bouquet

Love 13 Bouquet

€ 49.99

Description: Bouquet with 13 roses, hypericum/gypsofila /bouvardia, aspidistra/beagrass/ or others and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced

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€ 49.99
Moscovo Box

Moscovo Box

€ 55.00

Description: Arrangement in a heart shape box with roses and other flowers or greenery Note:  Flowers in the arrangement may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.Photo presented are for illustrative purposes

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€ 55.00
Love 15 Bouquet

Love 15 Bouquet

€ 55.99

Description: Bouquet with 15 roses, gypsophila,phlebodium leaf, eucaliptus parvipholia, wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar

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€ 55.99
Love 11 Bouquet

Love 11 Bouquet

€ 50.00

Description: Bouquet with 11 roses, aspidistra, treefern/beagrass/ or others and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar flowers.

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€ 50.00
Love 6 Bouquet

Love 6 Bouquet

€ 26.99

Description: Bouquet with 6 roses, aspidistra, treefern/beagrass/ or others grennery and wrapping paper. Note: Glass container not included. Flowers in the bouquet may vary due to the lack of stock and/our out of seasons in the store, they will be replaced by similar

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€ 26.99